We are using Constant Contact-if you are not receiving emails starting today please send your contact info to: angwasmund@gmail.com Here is the link to sign up for team meals-helping with food or serving- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050A48A4AD2FA75-team
LHS Fans-round 1 of the store is open until friday – you will get this gear prior to the first game! https://daubyssportscenter.chipply.com/lhsfb/store.aspx The store will reopen the following week as well for additional orders that will not get to you before the first game. Go LHS!
Good morning Patriots, Please visit the below Signup Genius for info and volunteer opportunity with Varsity Team meals: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050A48A4AD2FA75-lhsfootball
Tailgating start around 2pm at howard wood! Game at 6pm! Full schedule here: https://www.metroconferencesd.org/g5-bin/client.cgi?cwellOnly=1&G5statusflag=view&schoolname=&school_id=1&G5button=13&G5genie=61&vw_schoolyear=1&vw_agl=591-1-593,&manual_access=1